Definitely my favorite month :)
No pictures yet because I still haven't taken Jen's advice about going to the CF card manufacturer's website & downloading the software. My card still has over 999 images left for me to take, and I already have over a thousand on there. Maybe it was a bit of overkill getting that card.
Back to November's fabulousness-
This month I'll have my 1 year anniversary at this blog, how fun!
Also my birthday month, another reason for celebration.
Let's not forget Thanksgiving- my absolute FAVORITE holiday- no gift requirements and some super yummy food!
My youngest sister's birthday is this month too, and now my niece's as well.
I'm thinking about running another pattern deal during this month, in honor of my blog/shop anniversary, and a good time for thinking about Christmas gifts methinks :)
Anyhoo, I'll be taking pictures of my niece tomorrow for her birthday invitations so I'm definitely going to be getting the images on this humongous card saved to a (ton of probably) disk(s). Then pictures! Yay! I hate not posting with pictures.
I'm going to try to get back on the blogging horse this month too, I've been to lax lately on posting, I have so many things that I bookmark and blogs that I subscribe to. I think to better catalog them for posterity, and reference, I'm going to try to post more about that. Good idea?
See you tomorrow. Hopefully.