Why yes, yes I am :)
I know, I'm horrible at blogging this year. I blame it on a multitude of things that have happened since this summer that I have no control over and realizing how horribly I deal with them.
I did have a good reason for not coming back as soon as I wanted. I was sicker than a dog last week. I wrote that post and then the next day couldn't get out of bed. And then didn't get out of bed for 2 additional days after that. The flu really kicked my butt this year, and it's so nice that it happened when I have a million things to do.
Seriously, so many of you are better people than I am. I don't know how you manage to run households, make gifts, get ready for guests, and just keep up with life in general! I was not even close to thinking straight last week, and I'm am so embarrassingly far behind on emails, but I'm trying very hard to make sure that pattern purchases get sent within the 24 hour window I've given myself.
I have two dolls that I'm almost finished with, but I have no idea when I'm going to be able to type up/design the pattern- one is a panda girl and the other one is a winter themed girl.
So instead of dwelling on that and the other 32 million things I need
to do, I'll share the two little knitting projects that I finished last
month for my daughter's dolls- a sweater for the girl and a sweater
vest for the boy.
Eventually I'll work my way up to knitting for bigger bodies, but it's nice to start small. (more details are at flickr & I'll add them to Ravelry soon)
I should probably start cataloging my accomplishments more often than talking about what I haven't done/need to do. So I will share that I've finally saved my computer's guts to an external hard drive that I bought months ago, but never took out of the package. I've also organized my desktop, deleted a bunch of useless photographs cluttering iphoto, reorganized my music on itunes and caught up on all the software updates I needed to get to.
I also cleaned out the cupboard underneath the kitchen sink- I'm super sensitive to chemicals and when we moved 6 years ago the woman who came and cleaned the house for us left a box under there for me that I never opened... until 2 nights ago. Got rid of that sucker, and breathed a big sigh of relief!
My brother-in-law and mother-in-law will be flying in for a visit this Saturday and will be here until Tuesday so I don't know how soon I'll be back before their visit. Since this month is my birthday month though, I was going to have another pattern sale- it'll probably only run for a week, maybe like next week because we're going to be gone on my actual birthday. We're stopping in at Disneyland on the 29th for a couple of woo-hoo-it's-my-birthday rides before heading down to the beach to camp for the week. I love camping at the beach around my birthday- it's my absolute favorite type of beach weather :)
Well, that post was all over the place, but I always seem to be needing to play catch-up when I post lately :)