I know. I'm not very clever about titles to each post. I was over at Ravelry adding my little hat & blanket that I'd made for my niece and I was attaching blog posts to the projects in my notebook and noticed how very sad the titles for each post are. I'd be sad if I were them. Anyway, this post is just going to be a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
After my computer died last month and then I got it fixed, I ended up upgrading the operating system and have had to reinstall programs that I'd had before. All have gone smoothly until now. I'd installed Photoshop last week and tried to use it for something and there was an error message, so I waited until I had time to mess around with it again (which ended up being today), and tried again- to no avail! I'm still getting that stupid message and now I'm pretty annoyed about it because I need to use it before adding my pattern to etsy. Argh. I may have to go buy another program, which isn't the biggest deal, I just want it to work right NOW and can't get it to. I guess I'm getting a lesson in patience. My pattern is going to have to wait until I get my Photoshop debacle over with.
So I've been tinkering with that this evening, and as mentioned previously, I've been thinking about different doll patterns. I'm thinking I'm going to go through with them since the first one is almost complete now. I think this series is going to be the Big Head Babies. Not meanly, since it's been a nickname for both of my 2 little ones, it's definitely in the most loving way possible. It's just funny since in proportion to the rest of their bodies, babies do have super big heads, and I think that's super cute! My son's in particular was really round when he was born, it didn't really mold at all, and let's just say that I was acutely aware of EVERY one of those 15 centimeters.
Anyway, getting back on track, I'd made a head that I'd planned on using and then made the baby's body with a chubby cloth diaper bum too, but the head just seemed too small. So tonight I ended up making a bigger head and used bigger eyes and I like it so much more. Usually, the girls that I make are tanner, and the boys fairer since that's representative of my own little girl and little boy, but I was trying different yarn out, so this little girl is the fair one. She's going to be wearing one of those infant gowns, like she's ready for bed. She's all done except for her embroidery and her gown, but I already just want to squeeze her and give her little besitos all over!
By the way, I think I'm going to use the other head for maybe a monkey or a bear. I've gotten different requests for the monkey, but my mom's birthday is next month and she likes bears so I don't know which one I'll do first. Maybe I can actually get them both done!